
The art of resting is part of the art of working.

John Steinbeck

Relaxing was never easy for me. 

I used to be enormously performance-oriented, whether professionally or personally. 

Privately, I did a lot of sports. When this was no longer possible due to my accidents, I looked for new hobbies and ways to relax. 

In the process, I learned these following creative activities:


When I was bedridden twice for extended periods of time and I was slowly getting through all the Netflix series, my sisters came to my bedside and taught me how to crochet. 

Since I still spend several breaks a day in bed to give my body the rest it needs, I still love crocheting and hopefully will never have to miss it. 

Not only unicorns were created. If you like crochet products, click on the button to see other great products. 



When my back recovered and I didn't have foot problems yet, I spent most of the day standing instead of lying/sitting. 

Painting turned out to be a suitable new hobby. 

Currently, I don't paint that much due to foot pain. I hope I can increase the time painting again soon, because it is also a wonderful creative activity in which you can lose yourself completely.  


I was in pain for over a year after my back fracture.

Through bouldering I got this under control within 3 months, so that I could sit for a few hours a day again and I also discovered drawing for myself. 

Currently, I can not yet pursue this hobby again to the extent in which I would like. But soon I will get a super ergonomic sitting-standing aid and hope to be able to devote more time to drawing and painting again.  


I liked sewing even as a child. At that time, however, mainly stuffed animals. First and foremost: Pokémons. 

Since I often have a hard time finding something in the stores that suits my taste, over time I also started making my own accessories. 

I hope to be able to sew more in the near future. Especially sewing clothes would interest me a lot. 


Looking for new pastry decorating options, I made stencils.

Beautiful construction paper can also be used to make great cards. 

In addition, even a few acquaintances asked me if I could not design them a tattoo template. This, however, I have not yet dared.