Thank you

The last two years have not been easy. And yet, despite the daily physical pain, I am happier today than I have ever been in my life. 

But I would never have managed this alone. Many people and animals have accompanied and supported me on this path. 

Here I would like to express my personal thanks. 


A huge thank you goes out to him. He is my rock in the storm. He supports me wherever he can. He is not only my father, but also my friend. I hope that my recovery will continue to progress so that we can do our common hobbies (riding motorcycles and bicycles, making the ski slopes unsafe, hiking, travelling) together again.

Daddy, you are the most important person in my life! 


I would like to thank my mother for "teaching" me her social vein, good nature, helpfulness and charity. These values are deeply rooted in me. In addition, I am very grateful that she took me into the world of culinary arts at an early age and through her I discovered my love for baking and cooking. She is a super cook and was an excellent hostess. 


You are "not only" my sisters, you are my friends. I am deeply grateful that we have such a close bond and I always know that no matter what happens in life, you are there and we stick together. 

Sabrina Zwicker

I have been friends with Sabrina since early childhood. She is an incredibly great person and our friendship is one of the most precious things in my life. In addition, I have great admiration for her because she knew early on what would make her happy professionally and she has remained true to this path. The path was exhausting. But hard work pays off and it makes me indescribably happy to finally hear her as a presenter at her dream radio station since April 23. She is a great example and also a role model that dreams can come true. 

Valeria Pallotta: 

I have also known her for a few years, but since this year she became invaluable to me. Even though I thank a lot of people. Without Valeria I would never be where I am today. She was the spark that reignited my inner fire. I will be forever grateful to her. She supports me with many words and actions. I am so excited about what the future holds for us. 

Ivana Bosnjak: 

She is my energy sister. It is incredible how we always vibrate the same way, even if we sometimes have completely different opinions and views. I thank her that I can just always be completely who I am with her. Thank her for all the conversations we have. They inspire me and make me think enormously. The (almost) daily exchange with her has become indispensable for my life. I am happy and excited to see what else will come out of all our creative ideas. 

And even though I love rock and metal, Ivana organizes great parties under the name Merkaba Events.  A must for all fans of the music genres: Progressive and Progressive Psy-Trance. - Instagram photos and videos

Merkaba Events - YouTube


Unfortunately, I do not know him so long and well. But it is enough to feel that he is a great person. Moreover, he supported me and the bouldering hall at a BoulderBeats party with his music . Yes, my heart beats for rock, but I also think his music is great and I respect him as DJ Avore. I look forward to getting to know him even better. He is also a member of Merkaba Events.

ᴀᴠᴏʀᴇ (@avoremusic) - Instagram Photos and Videos


He is my best friend. He makes me feel truly liked. That is invaluable to me. He has been a tremendous support to me since my accidents and has always given me courage. I look forward to everything I can still experience with him. Above all, I hope to be able to go to many more great concerts with him. 


She is like a little sister to me. I was able to witness how she grew from a teenager into an incredibly great woman. I thank her deeply that she still listens to my worries for the thousandth time with all calmness and openness and always finds the appropriate encouraging words anew.  

Johnny Ferreira: 

He has not been back in my life long, but he has helped me an incredible number of times without hesitation and I know he would always be right there if I just called for him. You don't find such a big heart and enormous willingness to help every day. I am grateful that our paths have crossed again. 

In addition, he is an absolute car professional. I can heartily recommend his garage. 

Home - Dorf Garage Turbenthal GmbH % (

William and Raphael:

These two great men always support me with my questions as an IT-beginner. Besides that I can totally rely on them and they always have an open ear for me. Thanks for that! 

As a doctor, I was also enormously pleased with Raphael's company, which supports doctors with super dictation systems. 

Digital dictation - Voicepoint

Luke, Leia and Robin: 

Even if it may sound funny for many, but Luke and Leia are my great love. For those who do not know them, they are my cats. I thank them for the countless hours they spent in bed with me after my accidents and their warmth gave me comfort and strength. Robin is my sister's cat. She, too, is simply worth mentioning because she so often makes me laugh when, for example, she comes with us for long walks, climbs up the wall, or sits in the dishwasher. 

The Bouldering Hall Dübendorf: 

I would like to deeply thank my supervisors for giving me the opportunity to get back into social life by giving me the chance to reintegrate, even though they had no guarantee if I would be able to physically make it. They are very great, extremely diverse people and I love coming to work. I wish with all my heart that I would fully recover and be able to support them even more. I love the bouldering hall in Dübendorf. It has become my second home. 

The bouldering hall Dübendorf

Vocal coach Frank Tender:

After I broke my back, it was clear to me that I could no longer be as sporty as I used to be and that my leisure activities would have to change. I always wanted to sing, because I love music, but never had the courage. But then I dared to do it and found Frank. A great singing teacher with a huge heart and a lot of understanding. Through the lessons not only my singing improved, but also my breathing technique, my appearance became more self-confident and I was able to deal with my perfectionism in a more humorous way. Frank always had enormous understanding for my situation and even when I was down due to physical ailments, he always supported me and always kept a place free for me with him. I don't want to miss the weekly singing lesson anymore. I also enjoy visiting him at the Lachner Weihnachtszauber. He is a great singer and entertainer. Thank you for everything Frank. 

Frank Tender (@frank_tender) - Instagram photos and videos

The Frank Tender Show Live music, show, event, concert and gala Rock'n'Roll, Elvis, Country, Blues


I met him on Fiverr, a digital services website. When designing my logo, he was extraordinarily patient and immediately implemented each of my thousand minimal adjustments. I was extremely happy with the final product and he also thanked me for the creative and exciting collaboration. I appreciated this enormously, so I contacted him again when I needed help with my website. The contact with him is excellent despite the long distance.  He is open to all ideas and implements them in a great way. I will continue to work with him in the future and hope to be able to welcome him in Switzerland once in the future. 

Vincent (@sync_hamza) - Instagram photos and videos

Physiotherapist Dimo: 

Dimo has been accompanying me as a physiotherapist for almost two years now. When I went into a severe depression after my second accident, he was the only person I could confide in for several weeks and who gave me a lot of support with his empathetic manner. He is a super physiotherapist and knows an enormous amount about the human musculoskeletal system. Discussing with him is extremely exciting. Furthermore, he is a super athlete and a warm-hearted funny person. I am very grateful for his valuable work. 

The rest of my treatment team of psychologist, occupational therapist and social worker:

After my stay in rehab, I received incredibly firm support from an outpatient support team consisting of a psychologist, occupational therapist and social worker. They did a lot to help me find my way out of depression and back into life. Even though I had bad days and/or was tremendously plagued by pain even on the road to recovery, I just knew that I had found uniquely good support in the background. I will be grateful to these people for the rest of my life and I am also glad that I can continue on my path with them. 

Foot/back doctors and AXA accident insurance:

I am enormously grateful to my doctors and AXA for their support on my road to recovery. 


Especially in the last few months, I have been able to meet many other great people or got back in touch with others. Some of you also gave me the chance to work for them by the hour and/or gave me material for my creative hobbies.  Thank you so much.